a group of people walking on a brick walkway with a fountain in the background

Nevada Department of Transportation

Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) wanted to lay the foundations for its next-generation Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), making it easier to connect and manage the growing mesh of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the state’s highways.

  • País: Estados Unidos da América
  • Setor: Transporte, ITS, Governo
  • Soluções: Autonomous Network, Shortest Path Bridging, Video Surveillance, Digital Age Networking, Digital Age Networking, Ambientes adversos, OmniFabric

NDOT is responsible for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the 5400 miles of highway and over 1000 bridges that make up Nevada’s state highway system. NDOT’s primary goal is “safety first”.

Nevada Department of Transportation Logo
A nova solução torna mais simples fornecer os melhores serviços ao longo dos 25 bilhões de quilômetros percorridos anualmente por nossos usuários das estradas, fornecendo as informações certas para uma viagem segura e, por fim, reduzindo o tempo gasto na viagem. A ALE foi além durante todo o processo.
Gary Molnar, Gerente de Redes ITS

Nevada Department of Transportation Customer Reference - PTBR




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